Monday, April 8, 2024

How to make money on Facebook every day in 2024

1- Stars: Stars are a virtual asset that allows you to earn money and interact with followers. Meta pays 1 cent or more for each star you receive.

Qualification - Have 1,000 followers for 60 consecutive days.

2- In-stream ads: Small ads you can include in your uploaded videos to earn money.

Qualification - 10,000 Followers, 600 thousand minutes in videos in 60 days, and 5 active videos.

3- Subscriptions: Create a subscription for your Page and earn a monthly income. Choose a monthly price, offer exclusive benefits, and grow the community of people subscribing to support you.

Qualification - 10 thousand followers or 250 returning viewers AND 50,000 engagements with the publication OR 180 thousand minutes viewed

Facebook is a social media platform with over 2 billion monthly active users and has become one of the largest social networks on the planet. Facebook's success is largely due to its ability to create a platform that allows people to connect and share their lives with friends, family, and followers.

Facebook is also big business. Facebook reportedly earned about $27 billion in 2018 alone. If you're looking for ways to make money on Facebook and other social media platforms, keep reading because this article will show you how!

People worldwide are using Facebook and other social media platforms as an opportunity to make money. You can do this by becoming an influencer or by advertising your products or services.

In this article, we'll show you a step-by-step process on how you can set up your foundation and start making money on Facebook.

How can I start making money on Facebook?

Making money on Facebook isn't a simple process, nor will it happen overnight. In fact, you don't need any upfront investment to start earning with Facebook, but you will have to invest your time and focus.

So, to start making money on Facebook, you'll have to do the following to establish your base:

Choose a niche: First and foremost, decide which niche you'll be working in. The most profitable niches are Online Marketing, Health and Fitness, Love and Relationships, Spirituality, and Pets.

Create a Facebook page with a good number of followers: You'll need to build an audience base for yourself, so you have a audience to engage with and try to sell your products or services to them. Therefore, make sure your page has good, engaging content. People follow busy pages without being asked.

Create a group and grow your member database: Create a ground and add as many friends as you can to it. The best thing about Facebook groups is that members can also administer them. You don't need to post updates every time, but it's highly recommended that you maintain the group's quality by keeping it as spam-free as possible.

The points mentioned above are very necessary to start your journey of making money on Facebook. This will create a niche for you with many active followers and audiences who follow you. This is the key to making money.

8 ways to make money on Facebook:

Drive traffic from your Facebook page to a blog

Start Affiliate Marketing

Start Facebook marketing through influence and marketing

Post videos on Facebook

Sell your products on Facebook

Influencer marketing on Facebook

Have people pay for sponsored likes and shares

Add a paid subscription to your page

1) Drive traffic from your Facebook page to your blog:

If you have a Facebook page or group with many followers, you can easily create traffic to your blog. All you need to do is put a link to the blog and encourage your followers to visit the page. This will increase traffic to the blog. You can also put links to other people and get paid to drive traffic to their blogs as well.

2) Start affiliate marketing:

Once your Facebook page or group has a good number of followers, you can sign up for Amazon Associates, ClickBank, Digistore24, JVZoo, WarriorPlus, etc.

There, just select the product for your niche and start posting one or two affiliate marketing links per day. If someone clicks on these links and purchases the product or service, you'll receive a certain percentage of the price as commission.

Note that all product commissions may differ from niche to niche and which platform you are doing this from.

3) Start Facebook marketing through influence and marketing:

The more followers you have, the more digital marketers and companies will contact you for paid advertising. You just need to post the product on your page and start making money. But remember, the more followers and likes your page has, the more money it will offer you.

4) Post videos on Facebook:

Facebook videos are very similar to YouTube's. You can upload videos and earn money with them through in-stream ads. The good thing is that you can create videos for your own business and host them for free as well. But you have to make sure you are eligible for this.

5) Sell your products on Facebook:

This is basic marketing. The more followers you have, the more potential customers you can reach, which means you'll have more chances to sell your products. Alternatively, you can open a store on Facebook and run it as an e-commerce (keep in mind you'll need a certain level of knowledge about e-commerce websites on Facebook).

6) Influencer marketing on Facebook:

Influencers are individuals who have accumulated followers over time. Many organizations are always looking for such individuals to promote their brands or products.

So, if you can establish yourself in a niche with authority and earn the trust of the audience, you can charge organizations that want to use your influence to promote themselves. You can do direct promotions and sales or brand endorsements for a lot of money.

7) Have people pay for sponsored likes and shares:

Today, people look for many likes and shares on their posts or videos. With your large customer base, you can easily help them achieve this. Just post their links in your group. The more you can provide, the more you can earn.

8) Add a paid subscription to your page:

You can generate consistent monthly revenue with fan subscriptions. If you have a large number of active followers, you can provide them with exclusive content and benefits. But for this to work, you must submit your page for review before officially activating your subscription offer.


Making money on Facebook is not easy, but if you work diligently and focus and follow the advice given in this article, your hard work will pay off in the end.

Some may start earning in a short time, while for others, it may take some time, but if you don't give up and continue your hard work, you'll eventually succeed.

Many have done it before you, and many are still doing it. The most important thing is whether you're interested in it or not. But who doesn't like to make money passively, can also do it on Facebook without any monetary investment, but invest your time.

Here are two great sites to optimize your followers.

Friday, April 5, 2024

"The Story of Olga: A Young Girl and Her Struggle"

The Story of Olga: A Young Girl and Her Struggle

Have you ever imagined a 6-year-old girl pregnant? It seems impossible, doesn't it? But Olga's story shows us that things are not always as they seem. In this article, we will explore the journey of this brave girl and how the power of solidarity transformed her life.

A Difficult Beginning

Olga was a loving and gentle girl, always willing to help her mother in any way she could. However, at the age of 6, everyone believed she was pregnant. Her belly was as big as that of a pregnant woman, which left many perplexed. Olga, her mother, and her father lived in a small village in Africa, where living conditions were extremely precarious. Lack of basic sanitation and extreme poverty were daily challenges for this family.

In 2019, the situation worsened when Olga began to feel severe stomach pains. Due to lack of financial resources, her parents took her to a free medical center for help. The doctor who attended her diagnosed the girl with typhoid fever, a bacterial disease transmitted by contaminated food and water. Medications were prescribed to relieve pain and combat the infection.

A Frightening Turn of Events

However, after some time, something even worse began to happen to Olga. Her belly continued to grow disproportionately, causing her discomfort and pain. Her parents were perplexed and worried about what was happening. Despite trying to keep Olga's life as normal as possible by sending her to school, she faced bullying from other children. Hurtful comments about her appearance and the supposed pregnancy deeply affected the little girl.

Olga's parents knew the situation was unusual, but they had no idea what could be causing that uncontrolled growth of her belly. In search of answers, they managed to take Olga to a city hospital, where several tests were conducted. After analyzing the results, the doctor ruled out the possibility of pregnancy and discovered that the problem was related to Olga's heart valves.

A New Reality

In Olga's case, her heart valves were always open, making her look pregnant. This condition required special care and completely changed the girl's life. She could no longer play with other children, as her mother feared she would get hurt. Furthermore, the pain Olga felt was even more intense at night, preventing her from having a good night's sleep.

Olga's case gained prominence when it was shared on a channel called Afrimax. Olga's mother, Vestini, shared her daughter's story and desperately asked for help. Moved by the situation, many people turned to social media and created a donation page to raise funds for Olga's treatment.

Solidarity in Action

Over the days, Olga's video was seen by thousands of people, and the donation campaign raised over 1.3 million dollars. Vestini was touched to see people's response and the generosity they showed. While her husband abandoned them, thousands of strangers came together to help Olga on her healing journey.

Vestini traveled with Olga out of the country, where the girl underwent surgery to correct the problem with her heart valves. After a few days, Olga was stable and free from the pain and swelling in her belly. She could finally return to a normal life of a 6-year-old.

The Power of Empathy

Olga's story shows us the transformative power of solidarity. Despite facing difficulties and her husband's abandonment, Vestini found support and love in people who were moved by her daughter's story. The positive impact each of us can have on someone's life is invaluable.

Olga's journey was difficult, but thanks to the love and support of generous people, she managed to overcome the obstacles. Now, she can go back to being a happy child, playing and attending school. Olga's story is a reminder that, even in the face of adversity, there is always hope.

Follow Olga's full story in the video below:

(Video not available in this text format)

Source: Afrimax

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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Accepting Feedback: The Art of Growing Through Others' Guidance

Accepting Feedback: The Art of Growing Through Others' Guidance

"The feedback is a gift: embrace it to learn and grow."

The Story of the Young Painter

There is a tale that always comes to mind when contemplating the accessibility of feedback. Picture a young, dedicated painter spending hours in his studio perfecting his artwork. One day, a master artist visited his space and, upon observing his paintings, offered some advice. Initially, the young painter felt discouraged, as if his work had no value. However, upon reflecting on the master's words, he decided to apply the advice given. Over time, his art flourished in ways he never imagined possible.

The story of the dedicated young painter receiving feedback from a master artist illustrates how receptivity to others' guidance can contribute to professional development.

Feedback: An Essential Tool

Neuroscience reveals the plasticity of the human brain, capable of remodeling and learning continuously. Feedback serves as a catalyst in this process, challenging us to step out of our comfort zone and evolve. Positive psychology reinforces this idea, demonstrating how interpreting and applying feedback can positively influence well-being and individual development.

Common Mistakes in Accepting Feedback

The effectiveness of feedback depends on both how it is given and how it is received. It's important to be aware of common mistakes such as:

Defensiveness: Interpreting feedback as a personal attack rather than an opportunity for learning.

Arrogance: Completely disregarding feedback, missing out on opportunities for growth.

Focusing on the negatives: Only focusing on the negative aspects of feedback, ignoring the positive points and opportunities for learning.

Strategies to Improve Feedback Acceptance

To improve receptivity to feedback, we can implement some strategies:

Cultivate a Growth Mindset: View feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow, not as personal criticism.

Practice Deep Reflection: Take time to reflect on the feedback received, seeking to understand its key points and how to apply them.

Request Specific Examples: Ask for concrete examples that illustrate the feedback received, for better understanding and identification of areas for improvement.

Create an Action Plan: Turn feedback into a targeted action plan for individual development, with specific goals and deadlines.

Seek Feedback Regularly: Foster a culture of ongoing feedback, seeking guidance and advice from colleagues, leaders, and mentors.

Task: Reflective Practice

To put the learning about feedback acceptance into practice, propose the following activity:

Select a Challenge: Choose a specific aspect of your work that you want to develop.

Request Feedback: Ask a trusted colleague or leader to provide honest and constructive feedback on the chosen challenge.

Open Receptivity: Listen to the feedback with an open mind and willingness to learn, avoiding defensive reactions.

Reflection and Analysis: Listen carefully to the feedback received, identifying positive points, areas for improvement, and valuable lessons.

Action Plan: Create a detailed action plan, with SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), to apply the insights from the feedback and achieve the desired development.

Final Thoughts

Just like the young painter in the story, by embracing feedback as a valuable gift for professional growth, we can reach new heights in our careers.

Our Comments:

What feedback have you been avoiding and how facing it can transform your professional journey?

Social Media: Cleia Elaine Soares


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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Nigerian Who Faced and Defeated 10 Opponents Simultaneously: A Tale of Mastery and Social Impact

 The Nigerian Who Faced and Defeated 10 Opponents Simultaneously: A Tale of Mastery and Social Impact

In the world of chess, the ability to face multiple opponents simultaneously is a feat few can achieve. But in January of this year, in Germany, Nigerian chess master Tunde Onakoya demonstrated not only skill but true mastery by defeating 10 opponents at once during an impressive marathon that lasted nearly two hours.

Onakoya's accomplishment is not just a display of talent on the board but also an inspiration to all who seek excellence in their passions. His journey to this moment of glory is a story that transcends chess and touches the hearts of those who hear it.

By facing and overcoming a former Minister from Bulgaria, holder of a PhD in Mathematics, Onakoya not only proved his strategic prowess but also highlighted the beauty of chess as a universal language. Regardless of backgrounds, cultures, or academic backgrounds, the board brings minds together in an exciting intellectual challenge.

But what makes Onakoya's story even more special is the purpose behind his achievements. As the founder of the organization Chess in Slums Africa, he not only seeks to enhance his chess skills but also uses his passion to make a difference in the lives of others.

Taking advantage of the visibility of his exhibition in Germany, Onakoya managed to raise enough funds to finance the education of 100 children in his academy. This initiative exemplifies the transformative power of sport and education, showing how chess can be a tool not only to develop cognitive skills but also to promote equal opportunities.

Tunde Onakoya's story reminds us that behind every great achievement, there is a greater purpose. Whether challenging opponents on the board or empowering children through chess, he inspires us to strive for excellence in our passions and to use our talents to make a difference in the world.

At a time when the world faces unprecedented challenges, stories like Onakoya's remind us that true greatness lies not only in winning but in contributing to a better world for all. And it is through initiatives like Chess in Slums Africa that we can turn this ideal into reality, one move at a time.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Unveiling the Mysteries of Kumaras: Extraterrestrial Beings of Light

Unveiling the Mysteries of Kumaras: Extraterrestrial Beings of Light

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst the countless stars and galaxies, lies a realm of beings that have long fascinated both spiritual seekers and astronomers alike. Among these enigmatic entities are the Kumaras – extraterrestrial beings of light whose presence transcends the confines of our understanding.

The origin of the Kumaras traces back to ancient Hindu scriptures, where they are revered as celestial beings of immense wisdom and purity. Described as radiant entities emanating a luminous aura, Kumaras are believed to embody the essence of divine consciousness. They are often depicted as youthful figures, adorned with celestial ornaments and wielding div
ine instruments.

According to Hindu mythology, the Kumaras are said to have descended from the realm of Brahmaloka, the abode of the creator deity Brahma. As emissaries of cosmic order, they are entrusted with the task of maintaining harmony and balance in the universe. Their benevolent presence is believed to catalyze spiritual evolution and enlightenment among sentient beings.

While the concept of Kumaras originates from Hindu tradition, similar beings are also found in various other spiritual and esoteric traditions around the world. In Theosophy, for instance, they are referred to as the Elder Brothers of Humanity, enlightened beings who guide and inspire seekers on the path of spiritual awakening.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Kumaras is their alleged connection to Earth. Some esoteric teachings suggest that these celestial beings have interacted with humanity throughout history, offering guidance and imparting esoteric knowledge to those who are receptive. Ancient civilizations such as the Lemurians and Atlanteans are said to have communicated with the Kumaras, receiving teachings that laid the foundation for their spiritual and technological advancements.

In contemporary times, the concept of Kumaras continues to capture the imagination of spiritual seekers and ufologists alike. Some proponents of the extraterrestrial hypothesis propose that the Kumaras may be advanced beings from distant star systems, whose evolution has transcended the limitations of physical form. They are believed to possess highly advanced technology and consciousness that far surpasses our current understanding.

While the existence of Kumaras remains a matter of speculation and conjecture, their archetype serves as a symbol of humanity's quest for transcendence and enlightenment. Whether viewed as celestial guardians, extraterrestrial mentors, or archetypal representations of spiritual ideals, the enigmatic allure of the Kumaras continues to inspire awe and wonder in the hearts of those who seek to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.

In conclusion, the Kumaras stand as a testament to humanity's enduring fascination with the unknown and the mystical. Whether as celestial beings of light or interstellar travelers from distant galaxies, their presence serves as a reminder of the boundless potential that lies within the depths of the universe – waiting to be explored and understood by those who dare to venture into the realms of cosmic consciousness.

Understanding Solar Activity and Space Weather

The Game of Engagement and Misinformation

There has been a lot of talk lately about the end of the world and potential blackouts due to solar activity. However, it's important to separate fact from fiction and understand the true nature of solar activity and its impact on our planet.

Solar Maximum and Its Intensity

The sun goes through cycles of high and low activity, known as solar maximum and solar minimum. Currently, we are approaching the peak of solar activity, but this doesn't mean that the world is coming to an end. In fact, the intensity of the current solar cycle is not as high as previous cycles.

By analyzing historical data, scientists can determine the level of solar activity and make predictions about its potential effects. Looking at the intensity graph of the current solar cycle, it is clear that it is not comparable to the cycles of 2000, 1990, or even 1958.

The Role of Engagement and Misinformation

There is a game being played in the world of online content creation, where engagement and likes are the ultimate goal. It is much more enticing to claim that the world is ending or that a massive solar explosion will destroy everything. However, it is crucial to understand that these claims are often exaggerated for the sake of gaining attention and attracting viewers.

Monitoring and Predicting Solar Activity

The good news is that solar activity is closely monitored and measured by various satellites and observatories. Scientists have a deep understanding of the sun's behavior and can predict the likelihood of solar flares and other space weather events.

For example, the 3D Satellite Environment provides real-time data on solar particle flux, allowing scientists to make accurate predictions about solar storms and their potential impact on Earth. This monitoring system enables us to prepare and mitigate any potential risks.

The Carrington Event and Modern Preparations

In 1859, the Carrington Event, a massive solar storm, caused disruptions to telegraph systems around the world. However, it is important to note that there were no satellites in space at that time to monitor and predict such events. Today, we have advanced technologies and forecasting systems in place to detect and prepare for solar storms.

If a significant solar event is detected, there is usually a three-day window before it reaches Earth. During this time, satellite operators can maneuver their satellites and protect sensitive electronic components. On Earth, preparations can be made by temporarily shutting down certain systems to avoid damage from the influx of charged particles. Once the storm has passed, everything can be returned to normal.

Separating Fact from Fiction

It is important to approach information about solar activity and space weather with a critical mindset. While there may be claims of impending doom and alarmist predictions, it is essential to rely on scientific evidence and trusted sources for accurate information.

The key is to understand and educate ourselves about solar activity, space weather, and the measures in place to mitigate any potential risks. By doing so, we can separate fact from fiction and make informed decisions.


Solar activity and space weather are fascinating subjects that require careful examination and understanding. While there may be sensationalized claims and exaggerated predictions, it is crucial to rely on reliable information and scientific research.

Monitoring systems and advanced technologies allow us to prepare and minimize the impact of solar storms. By staying informed and avoiding misinformation, we can appreciate the wonders of space weather without falling victim to unnecessary fear or panic.

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